White Antarctica • The Software Design & Development Company



Welcome to the
Penguin Academy!
Every year, we onboard and mentor the brightest freshers across various fields of expertise to make a positive impact on our planet.
Apply Now
You choose, we mentor
Explore a wide range of learning fields and unlock a world of possibilities.
Business development
Mentoring the next generation of Business Development professionals
Learn how to conduct market research & generate leads
Develop strong communication skills to nurture partnerships
Get exposed to every facets of business development
Apply To The Program
Why did we start this program?
India's young generation has the potential to transform society through technology. However, they may feel hesitant and introverted when applying for meaningful positions at a young age. The Penguin Academy aims to empower students to pursue their desired careers.
A unique mentorship program
A once-in-a-young-life experience made to empower you among incredible mentors and fantastic projects that actually change the world!
3 to 6-month hands-on programs for freshers
Right at the end of your college, right before starting your career. The freshest fresher of all.
Mentoring for high-potential individuals
A tailor-made mentoring program to turn you in an incredibly thoughtful professional and leader.
An exposure you won’t find anywhere else
Your first real-world experience among professionals that are making an impact on Earth.
Women first.
Less than 30% women developers in India. Time to change this.
Real-life, impactful projects
Incredible projects, exclusively around the sustainable development goals.
An eligibility for full-time junior positions
Once you reach our standards, become the standard for the world.
Hear from our first student.
She applied, succeeded and became our very first Penguin to join our program. An incredible potential on the road to becoming a wonderful developer.
Great mentors, Impactful projects!
This is a wonderful experience where I get to learn a lot. I get to work on production level projects with great mentors to help me. The founders of this company are very inspiring. I recommend this program to everyone.
Pooja Modi
Full Stack Developer
How to get admitted into the program?
Have you got the hunger to learn and hone your skills?
A simple 3-step process
We offer this program to every freshers and every application is assessed and individually handpicked based on our internal criteria.
Step 1
Skills assessment
You’ll be asked to complete an assignment online.
Step 2
Technical interview
Round no.2 involves a technical interview with our senior team.
Step 3
Final interview
Last round is a fascinating talk with our founders, Mathieu & Kumail.
Apply To The Program
Looking for a full time position?
If you love penguins like we do and have an already strong experience, we encourage you to apply to one of our open positions.